
Analysis of the single crystal furnace furnace cover for profile

Analysis of the single crystal furnace furnace cover for profile
Single crystal furnace furnace cover is commonly oval head. Due to its good mechanical properties and processing technology. It is widely used in industry. In the production of single crystal furnace, often encountered in the welding ellipsoidal head to take over the problem. This kind of production enterprises in China are generally use manual and welding. The backward mode of processing not only processing efficiency is low, and the machining quality is difficult to meet the design requirements, the production efficiency and welding quality is affected.
Main components of the ellipsoidal head is half elliptical shell. Shell is limited by two surface objects, uniform shell thickness of each point in the midpoint of the curved surface is called shell surface, the surface formed by surface of revolution is called the revolving shell, the shell surface in the busbar rotary formed a revolving shell. Therefore, represented by an elliptical head surface in busbar elliptical head geometry.
Spread principle, the single crystal furnace general elliptical head takes over the shape of cylinder cover, the case is the top surface is divided into many small line segments, each segment and the adjacent two plain wire and nozzle-vessel junction line to form a quadrilateral, obtained the side length of each side of the quadrilateral can expand the quadrilateral, such one by one on all quadrilateral is the ellipse over expansion plan.
Surface is considered to be a move line in space motion trajectory, the line is called bus, bus bar in the surface in a position, known as plain wire. Available to take over the plain wire cylinder and elliptical head surface intersection; Then calculate the corresponding node. Point to the distance on the surface of the ellipse to take over the top is the prayer plain wire length.
General furnace cover elliptical head over the single crystal furnace is a common problem in practical production. We use parallel expansion method taking over a mathematical model is established, with the aid of computer promptly and accurately draw a diagram, fast and exact underground material, thus to take over the precast, slope and the curve of the head group H in uniform after clearance, improved the welding speed, improves the production efficiency and product quality.


The two kinds of single crystal furnace control method

The two kinds of single crystal furnace control method
Do you know about single crystal furnace? Single crystal furnace in the process control method specific how should do?
The first: zone melting method
Zone melting method, the operation of the process is to avoid the pollution caused by chemical reaction between melt and crucible, and developed without crucible crystal growth process.
This method applies only to melt the surface tension coefficient of crystal growth. Vertical installed a polycrystal bar, use water cooled rf, melt heat should make one end of the stick. On the surface tension of the melt and levitation force produced by the electric field, make the melt and crystal rod sticking together. Put a treated with directional seed crystal end into the melt, using the relative motion of heater and crystal melt polycrystalline rods melt unceasingly, but on the other side gradually generated crystals. This method makes the growth of crystals will not polluted by the crucible.
The second: the czochralski method
Czochralski method is also called "klaas base method" (Czochralski method, hereinafter referred to as CZ method. Is the main method of single crystal silicon growth. The law is in czochralski method (CZ) single crystal furnace, the raw material (polysilicon) is placed in a crucible of the heated to a molten state, seed crystal, introduced into the molten silicon, seed crystal sandwiched between the lower end of the rod, appropriate control temperature. When the seed crystal and molten silicon to achieve balance, to support the surface tension of liquid and will be against the adsorption in the bottom of the seed crystal. The rotation while tyra seed crystal, the adsorption of melt movement will be as the seed crystal up. Upward movement in the process of the melt temperature to drop, will make the melt condensation into crystalline and grow into a single crystal rods as seed crystal direction.


The cause of the vacuum furnace graphite electrode loss analysis and derogation measures

The cause of the vacuum furnace graphite electrode loss analysis and derogation measures
The service life of graphite electrode in a certain extent determines the production capacity of the hard zinc vacuum distillation furnace and the production cost, the article the cause of the vacuum furnace using graphite electrode loss is analyzed, combining with production practice, put forward the measures to reduce the loss of graphite electrode, received good results.
A domestic processing hard zinc smelter adopts horizontal vacuum furnace, recovery of indium, germanium, zinc and other valuable metals, muffle furnace with original treatment technique - compared to the electric furnace process, the recovery of valuable metals, security, environmental protection and other indicators have greatly improved, created a considerable economic and social benefits. Hard zinc vacuum distillation furnace with graphite electrode as a heating element, converts electrical energy into heat energy, is crucial parts in the vacuum distillation furnace, to some extent, it determines the work ability of the vacuum furnace. In the production of vacuum distillation furnace processing hard zinc process, although the graphite electrode is easy to consume parts, but if its service life is too short, frequent replacing electrode, not only increase the workload of maintenance and the production cost, and the serious influence production furnace smooth continuation of time, thereby significantly reducing the hard zinc processing. So the analysis of the factors affecting the service life of graphite electrode, and find out effective countermeasures, improve the service life of the electrode, to ensure production run smoothly, improve the hard zinc processing and reduce the production cost is of great significance.